Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Top 10 Pet Peeves

I stole this idea from Aisha's blog. And I only have 9 pet peeves, but you get the idea. Not in any particular order:
1. People who say "Taking a half day?" when I leave at 5 pm. This joke is old. And not funny. And I've heard it about 100 times already. I believe a lot of people put in the hours just for the appearance, not because they are actually that busy.
2. Baby strollers - I am not totally anti-baby stroller, just when they are used in a store. Most aisles in the store aren't big enough to move through without hitting something anyways. I don't need to navigate around your stroller too. I especially hate it when people leave their stroller in the aisle and wander off. I'm sure I'll sing a different tune when it's me lugging around a 30lb sack of kid, but for now it annoys me.
3. Annoying people in my law school class. There are really only 2 main people who bug me. One guy likes to hear himself talk and the girl, well, she likes to hear herself talk. They ramble on pointlessly or just reiterate what someone else has said. Shut up already.
4. I have one professor at law school who insists that we are all in class on time (or we're humiliated and marked absent). I am fine with this policy except that he regularly goes over our scheduled class time. Class is supposed to end at 8:45 and for the 1st 3 classes we did not get out on time. My time is just as valuable as yours so if you want me to respect your schedule then you should respect mine.
5. People who don't write notes on their christmas cards. Really, just drop me 2 sentences about how you're doing. Even my parents are guilty of this. This year I just got a card that said "Love Mom & Dad". I know we probably email all the time but there's something special about a handwritten note.
6. Rappers who thank God at awards cermonies. Especially those rappers whose songs have especially violent, drug-related, or chauvinistic lyrics. I think it was Oprah who said "Don't thank God for music you can't sing in church".
7. Cyclists who do not say "On your left". I frequently go running/rollerblading/biking on a paved trail near by house and I hate to be taken by surprise by a bike rider whizzing past me. It makes me want to stick out my arm or leg and make them fall. But then that would hurt, so I don't do it. If I am with someone else I usually make an obnoxious comment like "Brooke, watch out for the rider COMING UP ON YOUR LEFT" or "On your left a-hole". But I stopped saying that last one because one time I caught up with the guy at a stop light and it was a little uncomfortable.
8. Bars where the music is too loud. I am probably showing my age but I hate having to scream at my friends at a bar. After a while I get tired of the effort and just stop talking, which makes me want to leave. I don't mind some background music, but I just want to be able to hear and speak to my friends without shouting.
9. Bars that still allow smoking. I am ready for GA to outlaw smoking indoors altogether. I have stopped going to certain bars that allow smoking indoors because I hate the smell that gets into my clothes and hair. I'm fine with other people's right to smoke, but I have a right not to smoke with you!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like someone has a case of the Monday's...

Aisha said...

"Don't thank God for music you can't sing in church". <-- lol.

Have you ever been to cafe istanbul? They have great turkish food and a sheesha bar. But their music can get so loud I can't think... so I'm with you!

I guess we share the "annoying people in class" in common. That guy drives me NUTS. I had to do a presentation yesterday and he interrogated me infront of the entire class. Wnated to smack him.I feel bad that I make faces when they talk. I'm sure they've seen them by now :(

Brooke said...

Where's number 10? Maybe you should rename this to the Top 9 at 9.