Saturday, October 15, 2005

An Early Casualty

Check this guy out. He passed out early at the Decatur Beer Fest, it was only like 3 pm!!

Decatur Beer Fest!

It's finally here! The Decatur Beer Fest today. It was a great time. $30 to get in and you get to sample all the beer you want. Well, all the beer you want, provided you don't mind waiting in line and getting jostled around. I think the event is getting almost too packed, but it was still fun. From now on look out for the traveling Decature Beer Fest tasting glass. It will be like the gnome from travelocity.

Poor Abbey

Abbey got spayed on Thursday. She was so loopy after the surgery, check out the pictures. She looks drunk! She was pretty subdued Thursday afternoon and most of Friday, but now she is back up and running around as if nothing ever happened. I'm happy that she seems to be OK, but I hope we can get her to take it easy so she doesn't over exert herself.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

What Happened?

My University of Florida Gators really sucked it up this weekend. They didn't even score a touchdown! (The first time since October of 1992). I still don't want Ron Zook back, but I hope this is Urban Meyers one, and only, mid-season breakdown!


Here are some recent pictures. Check out my cute puppy:) She is getting so big. There's a picture from a recent trip to the Saranac brewery, we were thirsty!! The last one is from the Smyrna Beer Fest (is there a theme here?). We "volunteered" which meant drinking for free and pouring beer for other people for 6 hours. It was awesome

The Office ROCKS!

Have you seen The Office on NBC? I love this show! Check out for Dwight Shrute's blog. And he has several interesting memos too. The sad thing is this show is just like real life.