Thursday, January 11, 2007

My MacBook arrived!

Just in case you all were wondering (with bated breath I'm sure) my MacBook finally arrived. I got it Tuesday night, so I've had it for about 2 days by now. The transition from PC to Mac has been rather easy. I quickly learned the "apple" key functions like the "ctrl" key on a PC but I'm still trying to figure out how the harddrive folders work. I've put a few cool widgets on my dashboard, I think my current favorite is one that shows views from different lighthouses around the country.

Everything about my MacBook is cool: the fonts, the icons, the tools - but that may be attributable to being compared to my "ancient" HP it is replacing. I think a new PC would probably be almost as cool. Almost but not quite. So far I think the MacBook can do everything my PC could and probably even better.

I'm wondering how long until the "newness" of the MacBook rubs off. One week? One month? I would be surprised if it lasted that long - by then I'll be onto my next purchase:)


Anonymous said...

At least you got yours. Someone at UPS stole mine, so the wait continues......

Aisha said...

so I guess I get the award for being the slowest person on the planet. I even saw your mac today and I didnt put two and two together that is the new one. i blame it on the fact that you had it up for about two minutes andx it was on your lap so i coulnt get a good look. Congrats! it seemed very light and easy to carry around from what i saw. And it is very cute :)