Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Mother's Day Gift Idea

If you're like me you always struggle to come up with ideas for a gift for your mom on Mother's Day. Well, problem solved! I just heard about this great new product that anyone would love. It's The Beer Belly (check it out here). Here's what their website says:
The Beerbelly: Is made up of a neoprene “sling” and a polyurethane “bladder” with a tube for dispensing. The bladder is held in an insulated pouch in the sling which is worn under your clothing for concealment. When worn, it looks just like a beerbelly. And it’s high-quality!Just think of the possibilities: Your favorite brew at the ball game instead of what they happened to be serving at seven bucks a pop.
And it's only $34.95
I never thought I would want my stomach to look bigger but here is one occasion where I just might!
(p.s. Do you think their best customers will be Nascar fans?)

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