Thursday, March 29, 2007

"Lost" no more

I am over "Lost". I have been saying that for the past few weeks but this time I mean it. Last night's episode just pushed me over the edge. It was an interesting episode but really didn't tell us anything further about The Others, the mysterious creatures/forces on the island, or what the heck is going on with Jack. And if the episodes don't deal with those main issues then I don't want to see them. Next week's episode looks like it has some promise - we see Kate with what's-her-face from the others so we know that Kate somehow escapes. And there's also a reference to Jack, implying that we'll learn a little more about his fate. But I don't care - I'm over it. From now on I will tivo Lost and only watch it in fast forward to read MSNBC the next day to see what's happened. This is my pledge. Of course I said the same thing last week . . .

1 comment:

Brooke said...

I agree with you. I wasn't into this season at all until last week's episode. Then the devote a whole episode to 2 people that we don't care about. There are too may characters to keep up with so why add 2 more. Stick with the main characters - Locke, Jack, Kate, and Sawyer and I will be devoted to the show!