Tuesday, March 20, 2007

An Irish Breakfast! What is that anyways?

This past weekend I had my first "Irish Breakfast". Previously, I had thought that "Irish Breakfast" was a discrete way of saying "Guiness":) But it's actually more than that. An Irish Breakfast contains:
Baked Beans
Bangers (aka Sausage)
A grilled tomato
Black & White pudding (which is not really pudding at all but a cross between hash and stuffing, it's actually delicious)
and Irish Bacon (I don't know which part of the pig this is from but I didn't really like it.)
It sounds like a disgusting mix but it's actually quite good, especially when paired with a Guiness. Hmmm . . . on second thought maybe it's the Guiness that makes the breakfast taste good!

At any rate I think this is one St. Patrick's Day tradition I would like to perpetuate. Any day with a Guiness before noon is a good day:)


Anonymous said...

I thought an Irish breakfast was Lucky Charms cereal after showering with Irish Spring soap, but I was wrong. Has anyone figured out why they are called "bangers??? Sounds like a cheap firecracker.

Anonymous said...

I'm with "secret admirer" (nice!)...I thought an Irish breakfast was Lucky Charms! What you described might be the oddest combo I've ever heard of. I definitely think the Guiness has something to do with it being tasty.... : ) LYLAS!