Thursday, November 30, 2006

Update Mac vs. PC

I have decided to get a Mac laptop. Mostly because of the cool points associated with a Mac. That and the fact that it is supposedly more stable than a PC and less susceptible to viruses. I haven't actually purchased it yet - I'm waiting until after Christmas when I have some money and also to see if there are any good deals. But I've noticed that Apple doesn't really ever put their stuff on sale so waiting probably won't make any difference.

What is the big thing you want this holiday season? Mine is an outdoor firepit. My parents have one and I really enjoy sitting outside by the fire (as long as it's not too cold). I think Abbey would enjoy a firepit too because it would get us outside even in the cold weather.


Anonymous said...

42" Panasonic plasma TV.

Greg and Callie said...

Hey Amanda! I am glad you want something cool for christmas and not a Paris Hilton cd, lol...

I want an ice cream maker attachment for my kitchen aid!!!

hope you, Lee, and Abbey are doing well!!!

Amanda said...

hey Callie - They make an ice cream maker attachment for kitchen aids??? I might have to add that to my registry - sounds cool!

by the way:
Happy Birthday to Nora!

Anonymous said...

I want a solar or gas fired fire pit so I don't have to spend any more minutes of my life gathering firewood! I have done enough of that for two life times already. Be sure to ask Santa for the color firepit you want so it doesn't have to be painted (the other thing I have done two lifetimes worth of already). Merry Christmas Everyone!!!

Amanda said...

Dear Secret Admirer - send me an email so we can meet in person - I'd love to get to know you!:)
I should have mentioned I wanted a copper firepit, that way it doesn't have to be painted.

I'm not sure we would work out:( I love to paint and it sounds like you don't. My personal ad would read: SWF looking for a companion who loves house projects, especially painting (and/or tiling).

Anonymous said...

If you like Pina Coladas
And getting caught in the rain
If you're not into yoga
If you have half a brain
If you'd like making love at midnight
In the dunes on the Cape
Then I'm the love that you've looked for
Write to me and escape.