Thursday, October 05, 2006

Mac vs. PC

I hope this post generates a lot of comments because I need some advice. I am going to buy a new computer in the very near future, a) because my spacebar only work intermittently and it's really slowing me down, especially at schoo, b) my laptop crashes every time I switch from my home wireless network to my school wireless network and c) my laptop is just old. In terms of processing and memory it's a dinosaur and I'm ready to upgrade.

So I'm trying to decide between a Mac and a PC. Here's what I've come up with in terms of Pros and Cons for each
PC Pros:
1. I know how to use it
2. They are cheap
3. All the software I currently own will work with a PC
4. I can use a PC to take exams at my school. The program you have to run to take an exam doesn't work on a Mac.
PC Cons:
1. They crash. And can crash a lot. Then you get those weird errors that say "Error 3223454123xkldks: Field overrun". What??
2. They are more susceptible to viruses & spyware than Macs. This may change in the future but it's true at least for now.

Mac Pros:
1. They are more stable than PCs, i.e. won't crash, freeze, or automatically reboot on you. This is what they claim and what I've read on the internet backs it up.
2. Having a Mac has a certain cache.
3. My dad owns Apple stock, so in a small way I would be supporting my Dad.
4. They have better software for manipulating pictures, music and videos.
5. It comes ready to turn on, no installing windows, or downloading drivers.

Mac Cons:
1. They are a lot more expensive than PCs
2. The model I'm looking at only has a 13" screen, which is kind of small - but I'm not sure I want/need anything bigger.
3. I just got Adobe Photoshop and I'm not sure it will work on the Mac, not a big deal but it's kind of a bummer that I wouldn't be able to use my brand new software.
4. I can't take my exams at school on a Mac.

I am leaning towards the Mac, mostly because it is supposed to be more stable than a PC and it's less susceptible to viruses. I mentioned my current problem with my computer above. And I've had to reinstall Windows twice because of viruses and spyware.

Comments? Personal Experience? Advice? Other websites I should check out?


Anonymous said...

Wow, if you think your computer is old, you should see mine. It's a Pentium III 450MHz with 128MB of RAM that I bought in 1999. So, you could also say that I'm in the market as well, and I've been doing a little research. I'm looking at Dell, mainly because people I know have had good experiences with them, and I get a discount through work. I just tend to lean toward a PC because it seems that it's the more prevalent platform, and thus a lot easier to get software, support, etc. I had a Mac when I was in high school and I wasn't all that impressed. I'm sure things have changed, but I would go with a PC.

Plus, since you mentioned cost, computer technology improves at an exponential rate all the time, so why blow more money on something that will be obsolete in a few years?

Let me know what you find because I'm in the market as well.

Anonymous said...

Mac has the cooler commercial so go with them. Here is my practical advice, go with PC since that is what you take exams on for school. If it wasn't for that then I would get the Mac because of the graphic and music capabilities and because they are more stable.

Try downloading Mozilla and use that instead of IE on your computer to help with viruses - a guy at work told me that this week. There are more viruses out there that attack IE since more folks use it.

Aisha said...

I agree with brooke, downloading firefox has cut down most of my crashing and virus problems. I personally like pcs for the same reasons you mentioned but I didnt know macs crashed less. That was actually a big problem I had with macs in college. They froze too quickly on me. Maybe they've improved them though?

I'd stick with the pc and get firefox and some good anti virus software. I have software through my cable company "charter security suite". It is more universaly used and its cheaper, and when you graduate you can get a Mac as well :)

Anonymous said...

I think the Mac is overpriced for the hardware you get compared to the Dell. IBM's brand name for laptops is owned by a Chinese company so avoid them. The Mac screen is pretty small also which may strain your eyes. I think the Apple looks cool, but if you take looks out of the side by side comparison, I don't think that's worth the extra money. If the Mac came in the case that the Dell comes in (if they looked the same), would you still want the Mac? On the other hand, if the Mac laptops are as good as my iPod has been I guess it may be worth the money.