Tuesday, April 04, 2006

It's Great to be a FLORIDA GATOR!

I wnat to say CNOGRATLUATINOS to the Gator baksetabll taem. It wsan't the bset gmae I've seen them paly but who cares!!! They won!
Here's waht else is giong on this week:
Dogwood Festival - Looknig froward to enojying the sun & hnaging out with the puppy at the prak (sans alcohol unforutnately)
Registration for Fall Semester - Tihs is relaly the frist time I've had to comepte with other stduents for classes and it's annoying. Even thuogh we are techincally the same rank I feel lkie it shuold count for something that I've been at GSU for 2 yaers (vs their one).
How I Met Your Mother - Will Ted & Robin fianally get toegther! Unlkie Friends or The Office it looks like the wrtiers of this show are going to gvie us an anwser instead of stringing us alnog for 9 seasons.
11 more days until I can drink - enough siad
2 more weeks of classes - Don't reimnd me (Finals are amlost here!)
(Side bar - someone in my ofifce just cooked popcorn. It is toatally unfair to do taht and not offer it to your cowokrers. Buttery popcorn is like crack - easily addictive and bad for you.)
Cynthia McKinney - Will she be chraged? Waht will she be chagred with? I am resevring judmgent until I hear her side of the stroy.
No New Office - Boo
p.s. this psot has been an expeirment. I ocne raed that as long as the frist letetr and lsat letter of all the words in a sentecne were corrcet then the sentnence would still be readalbe. Do you agree??


Anonymous said...

Cynthia McKinney is an arrogant, offensive political hack who hides behind her race. She should absolutely be charged.

Greg and Callie said...

OMG, Amdana! I thought you were drunk typing at first until I remembered your Lenten resolve!! Anwyas, Gainesville was so insane last night, pretty much everywhere in town until like 4 in the morning was crazy, people driving around screaming and honking. What a perfect game, not too suspenseful, but still exciting to watch.... :) Cal

Aisha said...

LOL well some of it was written odd, some wasn't and so I wasnt sure if you were doing the test or just were really tired when writing it, lol.

So Ted and Robin didn't hook up. I was shocked they were going to nix the tension b/w the two since that's the driving force of the movie?