What are your predictions for 2006? Who will win the ACC Championship in football? Will Britney and Kevin still be together? I put together 20 questions for you to answer regarding what will happen in 2006. At the end of the year I'll go back and send your answers back to you so you can see if you were right! Please put your name in the last question of the survey so I'll know who to send the results to in December. Click here to take the survey or visit
I figured I would put my answers to your survey in this comment, so here it goes.
1. Who cares? But if I had to pick a team, I'll go with the Auburn Tigers
2. Villanova
3. No
4. No
5. No
6. No; why would he be?
7. No
8. American what?
9. What do you mean by "get together"? I predict there will be some sort of drunken kiss.
10. No
11. In football? FSU In basketball? Duke
12. Jimmie Johnson
13. Yes
14. No, somewhere in Chicago
15. Who's running against Sonny?
16. Brokeback Mountain
17. Between 9000 and 11000. I think that's what you meant, no 900 and 1100. God help us all if it gets that low.
18. Roof vents
19. Yes
20. I did
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