I saw Brokeback Mountain yesterday and I was surprised to discover I really liked the movie. It is definitely going on my DVDs to Buy list. Sometimes dramatic movies that get a lot of Oscar Buzz just turn me off. I'm not sure why, but it was true, especially in this case because I didn't think Heather Ledger was capable of truly good acting. But he was. The 4 main actors in this movie all delivered perfect performances and I hope the film and its actors receive Oscar recognition. Check out the movie website here and a review of the movie in the New Yorker here (you may have to do a search for the article in the New Yorker, its called New Frontiers by Anthony Lane). At the end of the movie I felt sad for Ennis Del Mar (Heath Ledger's character), but I realized I probably wouldn't feel the same way if this story was about a heterosexual couple. Both Ennis & Jack were cheating on their spouses, but because their love was forbidden and homosexual it made me feel sad for them rather than mad. I thought that was interesting.
Some other movies on my To See list are Capote, The Family Stone, and Pirates of the Carribean 2 (but it doesn't come out until this summer).
What's on yours??